If your church is not providing hosthomes, or you do not wish to stay overnight,
use this schedule for drop-off and pick-up.
Location: Community Baptist Church
Friday Registration from 5:15-5:45 Parents must sign in their youth, 11:30 pick-up (Activities: Late night fun at Partee Shack, session 1, theme night)
Saturday 9:40-10:00 drop-off, 9:30 pick-up (Activities: Service project, breakout groups, after party)
Sunday 9:15 meet up with vans for ride to Guilrock, 2:30 pick-up (Activities: Camp Guilrock, cookout, amazing race 2.0, outdoor worship at camp)
This isn't a sit and listen weekend, this is a learn and practice hands-on approach to discipleship.
Our range in service projects give students - wherever they are in their walk with Jesus - a next step to take in their faith journey.